UCL 伦敦大学学院艺术与科学(BASc)学位(本科)
伦敦大学学院的The Arts and Sciences (BASc) degree 艺术和科学课程不同于英国的任何其他学位。你可以创建一个定制的课程,包括艺术和科学专业。学生可以选择文化、健康与环境、科学与工程、社会这四个途径中的一个。如果你选择主修文化或社会,你可以辅修健康与环境或科学与工程,反之亦然。除了路径之外,学生们还学习专门设计的核心课程,这些课程旨在加深对不同知识分支如何相互关联的理解。这些核心课程使你能够获得跨多个学科有效工作所需的技能和概念。核心课程进一步鼓励你以新的方式将传统的伦敦大学学院科目联系起来,或者探索艺术和科学之间的概念和方法差异。
UCAS Y000: Arts and Sciences BASc 3 years
UCAS Y001: Arts and Sciences with Study Abroad BASc 4 years
3 academic years
Overseas tuition fees (2024/25)
- 成绩单
- 推荐信
- 个人陈述
- 附加文书(在800字以内回答以下5个问题,题目后面的数字为每题总分)
1.State two reasons you think this degree is attractive and two reasons you think you are the right student for this course. (8)
2.Which two global issues do you consider most pressing in the 21st century and would benefit from an interdisciplinary approach to their understanding and solution? Briefly explain the reasons for your choices. (6)
3.How would your ideal employer describe you? (4)
4.Explain two ways in which the BASc will be particularly helpful in preparing you for your future career(s)? (6)
5.Tell us your personal view of one challenge and one benefit of interdisciplinarity. (6)
Major pathway requirements: Cultures: at least one essay-based arts/humanities subject Societies: at least one social sciences subject; Sciences and Engineering: Mathematics and one other science. Health and Environment: Chemistry or Biology, and one other science or social science.
For more information about A level subject classification, see the BASc website at: Preferred A levels
English Language and Mathematics at grade B or 6.
Contextual offer information
Contextual offers are typically one to two grades lower than the standard offer. Grade and subject requirements for contextual offers for this programme will be published in Summer 2024.
A total of 19 points in three higher level subjects, with no higher level score below 5. Major pathway requirements: Cultures at least one higher level from groups 1, 2 or 6; Societies: at least one higher level from group 3; Sciences and Engineering: to include higher level Mathematics at grade 6 and a further higher level subject from groups 4 or 5. The programme will accept either 'Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches' or 'Mathematics: Applications and Interpretation' at higher level; Health and Environment: to include higher level Chemistry or Biology at grade 6 and a further higher level subject from groups 3, 4 or 5.
Contextual offer
Contextual offers are typically one to two grade boundaries (equivalent to A levels) lower than the standard offer. IB Diploma grade and subject requirements for contextual offers for this programme will be published in Summer 2024.
Additional tests
Eligible applicants will be required to undertake an entrance selection assessment. A student with three arts/humanities/social sciences subjects must take the compulsory maths or science question in the BASc entrance selection assessment in order to be able to minor in Health and Environment/Sciences and Engineering – and vice versa to minor in the arts/humanities/social sciences.
Personal Statement 个人陈述 - 4000个字母或47行(约500字),包括空格及空行,杜绝抄袭、语法错误、提及任何一所大学。(需有约75%的内容是与学术相关的)
- 【 Writing about thecourse】你为什么申请这一课程?
- 【Skills andachievements】与你所申请课程的相关技能或荣誉
- 【Hobbies and interests】个人兴趣爱好及对自己带来的积极影响
- 【Work experience】相关工作经历(尽量与科目有关)
- 【Mature students/ international students】成年学生/海外留学生的相关经历
- 【Future plans】与所选课程相关的未来的计划
另外申请本专业的同学需要提交一份补充文书 supplement essays:
Arts and Sciences BASc Questionnaire
Thank you for your recent application to the Arts and Sciences BASc. As part of the assessment and selection process for this programme, we would like to invite you to complete this questionnaire and upload the document to the UCL Applicant portal by the deadline stated in the accompanying email. Please make sure that you clearly state your chosen major pathway. Details of pathway requirements are available here: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/basc/prospective/application/requirements. You must select a pathway for which you are eligible.
You should answer all questions as fully as you like, but in no more than 800 words for the total document (excluding questions and introductory text). Remember, we would like to see you at your best, so don’t hesitate to put your best foot forward. The total number of points available for each question is shown at the end of each question, so (6) indicates that a question is worth 6 marks.
Chosen BASc major pathway:
1 - State two reasons you think this degree is attractive and two reasons you think you are the right student for this course. (8)
2 – Which two global issues do you consider most pressing in the 21st century and would benefit from an interdisciplinary approach to their understanding and solution? Briefly explain the reasons for your choices. (6)
3-3 - How would your ideal employer describe you? (4)
4 – Explain two ways in which the BASc will be particularly helpful in preparing you for your future career(s). (6)
5 - Tell us your personal view of one challenge and one benefit of interdisciplinarity. (6)
1, 南京市金陵中学河西分校中英方向Alevel 班级,Alevel 四门课:Mathematics A*, Further Mathematics A, Physics A*, Economics A,(Accounting虽然也学了,但是并没有参加考试,因为学的不好),在12月份递交成绩时候,只有数学是实考成绩,其余三科均为预估成绩。该录取学生的确是文理科比较均衡,对于理工科或者商科管理科并没有明显的倾向性,所以选择了BASC文理学院。有少量活动,包括在线实习、Alevel论文 EPQ论文是关于会计的。
2,合肥一中中加国家高中--BC省课程,三年总的均分加权GPA是97分(包括chinese), 不包括Chinese是96分。
3,上实剑桥国际部英国方向ALEVEL班,Alevel 四门课:Mathematics A*, Further Mathematics A, Physics A*,Chemistry A*, 三个A*A 共四门,雅思7分,同时被UCL BASC文理学院和管理学院录取
Many thanks for your application to study the BASc Arts and Sciences with Study Abroad programme -Cl
You have applied two pathways, please select only ONE from the following major pathways for which you meet the subject requirements :
01:Cultures OR
02:Health and Environment OR ●
03:Sciences and Engineering OR ●
This information is essential for us to be able to process your application, please upload a document with your pathway choice to the UCL Applicant Portal (www.ucl.ac.uk/portico) via the'Uploads' tab by 30 January 2024. Please include your name and UCAS Personal ID number in all correspondence.