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院校: University of Southern California / 南加州大学 专业: Master of Science in Business Analytics 授予学位: MS 申请难度: 校友评分:

STEM项目,商业分析硕士课程是一个综合性课程,为学生提供技能和知识,使他们成为商业分析和数据科学方面的专家,并在这个令人兴奋和快速发展的领域推进他们的职业生涯。 这些项目与我们的行业合作伙伴合作,涵盖了一系列业务领域,包括财务,运营,市场营销,管理,供应链和人力资源。该计划的学生在与业务分析和大数据分析相关的所有领域获得广泛而深入的培训,包括:

  • 统计建模
  • 数据管理
  • 可视化和优化
  • 信息安全
  • 不确定性下的决策。
  • 学生将学习必要的编程工具:
  • 分析大型和非结构化数据集
  • 将分析转化为可提高业务绩效的决策
  • 有效地向高层决策者提供复杂数据

商业分析理学硕士课程需要33个单元,在3个学期中修读(可扩展至4个学期):秋季,春季,秋季,包括19.5单元必修课业和13.5单元选修课中选择的课业课 。

First Semester (Fall) 

GSBA 545: Data Driven Decision Making (1.5 units)

DSO 510: Business Analytics (1.5 units)

DSO 545: Statistical Computing and Data Visualization (3 units)

DSO 570: The Analytics Edge: Data, Models, and Effective Decisions (3 units)

DSO 552: SQL Databases for Business Analysts (1.5 units)

Second Semester (Spring)

DSO 530: Applied Modern Statistical Learning Methods (3 units)

GSBA 542: Communication for Management (1.5 units)

DSO 553: NoSQL Databases in Big Data (1.5 units)

Elective (3 units)

Elective (1.5 units)

Summer Term 

DSO 595: Internship (1.5 units)

Third Semester (Fall) 

DSO 573*: Data Analytics Driven Dynamic Strategy & Execution (3 units)

Elective (3 units)

Elective (3 units)

Elective (1.5 units)

  • Official transcript copies ( All applicants must also have completed at least one statistics course at the undergraduate level or above, with no exceptions. )
  • GMAT or GRE scores

GRE School Code: 4852

GMAT School Code: 389-9C-23

  • Resume/CV
  • Essay questions:

Please answer these essay questions in the online application.

  1. Describe your career aspirations. What roles, companies, industries, and regions do you see yourself working in and how do you see Marshall's MSBA program helping you achieve your goal? (250 words maximum).
  2. Give us an example of a skill that you have acquired through self-learning, and explain the process in which you taught yourself the skill?(250 words maximum).
  3. If there is something you would like us to know about you personally or professionally that hasn't already been mentioned, feel free to do so here. (Optional, 250 words maximum)
  • One minute video

Please create a one minute video addressing the following: In the Business Analytics program, we have a diverse and collaborative environment both inside and outside of the classroom. We also place value on creating a community with the entire Trojan Family. Please describe the contributions you expect to make during your time at USC. How will your colleagues benefit from your presence in the program? 

Please upload the video following the instruction in the online application.

  • Letters of Recommendation (Optional): Letters of recommendation should be from faculty or others (supervisors, professional colleagues, etc.) qualified to evaluate your potential for graduate study.
  • English Language Proficiency:TOEFL: 100 or above, with 20 or above in each section.IELTS: 7 or above, with 6 or above on each band,PTE 61 or above, with 53 or above on each band.
  • $155 non-refundable application fee

Round 1 – November 15

Round 2 – January 15

Round 3 – February 15

Round 4 – March 15

Round 5 – April 15



南加大的BA毕业生就业面还是比较广阔的,就业行业覆盖互联网、游戏、娱乐、IT服务等,毕业生雇主包括IBM、亚马逊、PWC、沃尔玛等,薪资也很不错,2020年中位数薪酬为$ 100,000,平均薪酬为$ 101,265。


有几年工作经验者优先,但不是必需的。 符合资格的统计课程必须从认可的学院或大学获得学分,并且必须涵盖以下所有主题: 基本概率 概率分布(正态,指数等) 推论统计,例如t检验,卡方检验,置信区间和抽样 线性回归简介。

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