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伦敦大学皇家霍洛威分校(Royal Holloway)现代语言学专业申请攻略(本科)
院校: Royal Holloway University of London / 伦敦大学皇家霍洛威分校 专业: Modern Languages 授予学位: BA 申请难度: 校友评分:

If you want to focus on gaining fluency in one, two or three modern languages, our BA Modern Languages degree is for you. You will combine language study with translation and cultural modules in a ratio which suits you and your ambitions. Choose to study French, German, Italian and/or Spanish at beginners', advanced or native speaker level, developing your writing, reading, speaking and listening skills. You will be taught by native speakers who will guide you through the core language components for each of the languages you have chosen.如果你想精通一门、两门或三门现代语言,我们的现代语言学士学位是为你准备的。您将结合语言学习、翻译和文化模块,比例适合您和您的抱负。选择学习法语,德语,意大利语和/或西班牙语在初学者,高级或母语水平,发展你的写作,阅读,口语和听力技能。您将由母语人士教授,他们将指导您通过每一种语言的核心语言组成部分。


Core Modules

Year 1

Critical Analysis for Linguists

Introduction to Translation: Professional Skills

French Language: Culture and Translation

French Advanced Written I

French Advanced Oral I

French Ab Initio Written I

French Ab Initio Oral I

German Language: Culture and Translation

German Advanced Written I

German Advanced Oral I

German Ab Initio Written I

German Ab Initio Oral I

Italian Language: Culture and Translation

Italian Advanced Written I

Italian Advanced Oral I

Italian Ab Initio Written I

Italian Ab Initio Oral I

Spanish Language: Culture and Translation

Spanish Advanced Written I

Spanish Advanced Oral I

Spanish Ab Initio Written I

Spanish Ab Initio Oral I

Year 2

Intensive French for Beginners II

Pratique du Français II

Advanced French Translation: Skills and Practice

Intensive Beginners’ German II

German Language II

Advanced German Translation: Skills and Practice

Advanced Italian II for Post Beginners

Advanced Italian II

Advanced Italian Translation: Skills and Practice

Intensive Spanish II

Spanish II

Advanced Spanish Translation: Skills and Practice

Year 3

Year Abroad

Year 4

Pratique du Français III

German Language III

Advanced Italian III

Spanish III

Optional Modules

Year 1

International Film 1: Contexts and Practices

Reading Texts: Criticism for Comparative Literature

Tales of the City: Introduction to Thematic Analysis

The Birth of Film

Visual Arts 1: Artists and their Materials

Optional cultural modules in French include:

The Visual Image in French Culture and Society

Introduction to French Literature: Critical Skills

Key French Texts: The Individual and Society

Optional cultural modules in German include:

German History and Culture

Introduction to German Studies

Optional cultural modules in Italian include:

The Heritage of Dante and The Renaissance

Fascist Italy

Culture and Identity in Latin America

Comparative Hispanic Culture

Visual Cultures: Visualising Cuba

Year 2

Optional cultural modules in Modern Languages include:

International Film 2: Readings and Representations

A Special Theme in the Novel: Transgressions

Histories of Representation

Critical and Comparative Approaches

Visual Arts II: Genre and Movements

Approaches to Translation Work

Writing Romance and Desire

Cinema in France

Optional cultural modules in German include:

Death, Desire, Decline: Thomas Mann and Franz Kafka

Love and Marriage in Major Novels by Theodor Fontane

Representations of Childhood and Youth in Modern German Culture

Optional cultural modules in Italian include:

Postwar Italian Cinema: the Auteur Tradition

Art and Literature in Renaissance Florence

Italian Crime Fiction

Optional cultural modules in Spanish include:

Constructing Identity in Contemporary Spanish Film

20th-Century Mexican Visual Arts and Film

Rebels, Revolution & Representation in Latin America

Year 4

Optional cultural modules in Modern Languages include:

From Aestheticism to the Avant-Garde

Final-Year International Film Dissertation

Optional cultural modules in French include:

Advanced Translating Skills

Image, Identity and Consumer Culture in Post-war Fiction and Film

Text and Image in France: from Cubism to the Present

Ethics and Violence: Murder, Suicide and Genocide in Literature and Film

Wanton Women: Artists and Writers of the French Avant-Garde

Blindness and Vision in French Culture

Villains and Villainy in Early Modern French Theatre

French Final Year Dissertation

Optional cultural modules in German include:

Narrative and Identity: The German Novel from the 18th to the 21st Century

Dark Tales: E.T.A. Hoffmann and German Romanticism

National Socialism and the Third Reich in German Film and Visual Culture from 1933 to the Present

German Dissertation

Optional cultural modules in Italian include:

Dante: Divine Comedy 2

Shooting History: Dictatorship, Terror and Crime in Italian Film

The Postmodern in Italian Literature: Pioneers, Practitioners and Critics

Optional cultural modules in Spanish include:

Contemporary Mexican Cinema

Devotion, Deceit, Desire: Literature of the Spanish Golden Age

Horror Cinema in the Hispanic World

Spanish Dissertation



Alevel: ABB-BBB

IB:5,5,5, with a minimum of 32 points overall including the appropriate language if taken at Higher Level.


英语能力:雅思6.5,写作7.0,其他单项得分不得低于5.5分。 皮尔森英语考试:总分61分,写作69年,其他单项得分不低于51分。


1. 高中毕业证或在读证明(中英文对照,复印或打印在学校抬头纸上,并盖有学校公章)

2. 高中成绩单(中英文对照,复印或打印在学校抬头纸上,并盖有学校公章)

3. 个人陈述(英文书写,限制字数 4000 字符;UCAS 系统会自动审核 PS 有无雷同,若发现会直接通知申请学校, 建议每个学生 PS 都不能copy,并且ps是ucas申请系统所有学校共用,不能出现学校的名字)

4. Word 版本英文推荐信一封(推荐人信息要详细,包括:姓名、 性别、职位、工作单位、联系电话、Email 地址等)

5. 护照复印件

6. 语言成绩复印件

7. 其他补充材料





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