Students undertaking English Studies at Queen’s explore literatures in English in the widest possible sense. From the earliest writings in Anglo-Saxon to contemporary Irish, British, and ‘global’ literatures, students study English in its historical, cultural and ideological circumstances and material manifestations. Our language modules (also available on the Linguistics pathway) explore language structure and function; the day-to-day use of language, including in the media; and the major influences that have shaped English.
Core Modules:
English in Transition
English in Context
Introduction to English Language
Adventures in the History of Ideas
Introduction to Creative Writing
Reading in the Modern City
Optional Modules:
Foundations for Speech Analysis: The Phonetics of English
Mapping the Anglo-Saxon World
Havoc and Rebellion: Writing and Reading Later Medieval England
Shakespeare and Co
Fiction to Austen (1660-1820)
Inventing America
Romantic Poetry (1789-1832)
Enlightenment and its Discontents
The English Language: Language and Power
History of English: Studying Language Change
An Introduction to Critical and Cultural Theory
Modernism and Modernity
Modern American Fiction: Race, Class, Gender, Sexuality
Dickens and the Cult of Celebrity
Irish Literature
Optional modules:
Dissertation (Language or Literature)
Stylistics: Analysing Style in Language
Language in the Media
Televising the Victorians
Contemporary Irish and Scottish Fiction
Shakespeare on Screen
Contemporary Literature: Poetry and Precariousness in the 21st Century
Contemporary US Crime Fiction
Speech Worlds: Phonology in Acquisition and Disorder
The Structure of English
Marvels, Monsters and Miracles in Anglo-Saxon England
Women’s Writing 1660-1830
Restoration to Regency in Contemporary Fiction
Writing Africa: The Colonial Past to Colonial Present
Irish Gothic
Stevens and Bishop
Special Topic Creative Writing
Special Topic Irish Literature
Work-Based Learning (Placement)
Note: Modules at Level 2 and Level 3 are subject to change based on availability.
Alevel: ABB including A-level English
IB:33 points overall, including 6,5,5 at Higher Level, including English
1. 高中毕业证或在读证明(中英文对照,复印或打印在学校抬头纸上,并盖有学校公章)
2. 高中成绩单(中英文对照,复印或打印在学校抬头纸上,并盖有学校公章)
3. 个人陈述(英文书写,限制字数 4000 字符;UCAS 系统会自动审核 PS 有无雷同,若发现会直接通知申请学校, 建议每个学生 PS 都不能copy,并且ps是ucas申请系统所有学校共用,不能出现学校的名字)
4. Word 版本英文推荐信一封(推荐人信息要详细,包括:姓名、 性别、职位、工作单位、联系电话、Email 地址等)
5. 护照复印件
6. 语言成绩复印件
7. 其他补充材料
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