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院校: Columbia University / 哥伦比亚大学 专业: Business Analytics 授予学位: MS 申请难度: 校友评分:

哥伦比亚大学的商业分析专业硕士是由工程学院和商学院共同开设的为期三个学期的课程,专为那些希望专注于学习建模技术和数据科学工具的人而设计,这些技术和数据科学工具可帮助企业利用数据做出决策。 更好的决定。 新学位课程的一个关键要素是一个顶点项目,该项目在整个三个学期的学习过程中使用相关数据集为客户及其现实世界的业务问题提供深入的咨询服务。


Financial Analytics & Financial Technology 

Marketing Analytics

Healthcare Analytics

Analytics Algorithms & Methodology


Fall (1st Term) - 12 credits

Core - 9 credits

IEOR E4502 Python for Analytics Bootcamp (0-credit) 

IEOR E4599 MSBA Quantitative Bootcamp (0-credit)

IEOR E4004 Optimization Models and Methods

IEOR E4101 Probability, Statistics and Simulation

IEOR E4523 Data Analytics

MRKT B9561 Marketing Analytics

ENGI E4000 Professional Development Leadership (0-credit)

Spring (2nd Term) - 12 credits

Core - 6 credits

IEOR E4650 Business Analytics

IEOR E4524 Analytics in Practice

   + 1 Business School Elective from Decision, Risk and Operations (DROM)

   + 1 Business School Elective from Marketing (MRKT)

Summer or Fall (3rd Term) - 12 credits

+ 1 Business School Elective (with course code: DROM or MRKT)

+ Remaining Electives


  • Official transcript copies
  • Three recommendation letters
  • English Language Proficiency Test(IELTS总分最低 6.5 TOEFL总分最低 99 PTE总分最低 68)
  • Official (GRE) General Test Scores 

School Code: 2111

  • Personal statement
  • Resumé or Curriculum Vitae
  • Publications (optional)
  • An interview may be requested
  • $85 non-refundable application fee

We recommend that your Personal Statement be 250 - 500 words.A few topics that you may want to address in your Personal Statement include:

Describe how your background has prepared you to pursue an advanced degree in the field of engineering or applied science at Columbia University.

Describe the reasons you are interested in this program and discuss any relevant past experience.

If you have relevant work or research experience, please indicate how it helped you decide on your career path.

What are your post-graduation plans or career goals?

What do you hope to gain from this program?

What about this program excites you?

If there are any special circumstances that need to be brought to the attention of the Admission Committee, please include that information.



Fall:February 15

Spring: December 11


在哥伦比亚,要求MSBA的每个学生都要为实际客户从事分析项目的工作。这些经验是作为Analytics Capstone Projects课程的一部分(IEOR E4524 Analytics in Practice)提供给学生的。这些经验极大地提高了您对潜在雇主的市场竞争力,不限于以下领域的职业:分析,技术,咨询,金融服务,广告和传播媒体,初创企业等。该专业的毕业生将担任以下职位:大公司的数据分析师和数据科学家,物流,供应链,运营或收入管理部门的业务分析师,以及投资银行的各种职能(例如风险管理)的财务分析师, 对冲基金,信用卡公司和保险。


该专业必须提供GRE,GMAT不接受。商业分析是一个专注于大数据和商业智能的领域,汇集了诸如优化,编程和统计之类的主题来解决实际问题。 对统计和计算机课程要求较高。

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