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挪威科技大学(Norwegian) 全球化与可持续发展专业申请攻略(硕士)
院校: Norwegian University of Science and Technology / 挪威科技大学 专业: Globalisation and Sustainable Development 授予学位: MA 申请难度: 校友评分:

挪威科技大学(Norwegian) 全球化与可持续发展专业 MA Globalisation and Sustainable Development 开设在地理系下为期为期两年的硕士课程。全球化以及资本、人员、商品、形象和意识形态跨越国界的快速流动所带来的日益紧密的联系需要一套新的专业教育工具。 为期两年的全球化和可持续发展硕士课程使学生能够分析政治、经济、文化和社会趋势之间复杂的相互作用,这些趋势对我们的当代世界产生了深远的影响。学生将了解关于全球化对公民社会、国家权力、不断变化的民族文化模式和全球市场和技术以及环境的影响的跨学科视角。了解全球化对全球舞台上的关键参与者的影响,例如非政府组织、跨国公司、国际竞选团体、国家或跨国机构。


1st year

Discourses of Development and Globalisation

Global Production Networks

International Economic Contemporary History

Qualitative Methods or Quantitative Methods

Theory and Culture

Migration and Development

Experts in Teamwork (EiT) - Intensive

2nd year


Master's Thesis in Globalisation

Elective Courses

Globalisation and Urban Development

Global Migrations and Ethnic Relations

Development Economics

The Global Political Economy of Natural resources

Innovation and Regional Development

Social Difference, Identity and Place

GIS Tools for Climate Change Studies


1.The pages of your passport showing your photo, your full name, your date of birth and your nationality

2.If applicable, documentation of change of name (e.g. marriage certificate)

3.Upper Secondary School grade transcript or diploma

4.Official transcripts and diplomas from all your college/university education

5.Copies of English language documentation such as TOEFL or IELTS test results

6.A letter of motivation

7.If you are applying to two programmes you can choose if you want to submit one or two letters

8.An updated CV

9.Applicants with special needs: Applicants with any type of disability are treated on an equal basis with all other applicants. However, we need to know in advance if you require any additional support during your studies. Please upload a document with a short description of your disability to Søknadsweb.

10.Documentation of funding: Only citizens from countries outside the EU/EEA need to document funding.

11.Verification reports of educational documents 


Application deadlines

Non-EU/non-EEA students:

1 December 2021

EU/EEA students:

1 March 2022

Norwegian/Nordic students:

15 April 2022



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