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NUS新加坡国立大学计算机科学(CS)、数据科学(DS)、网络安全(Internet security)、计算机工程(CE)科学专业申请最强攻略(本科)
院校: National University of Singapore / 新加坡国立大学 专业: Computer Science 授予学位: Bachelor of Engineering 申请难度: 校友评分:


该专业有Big Data Management and Engineering,Full-Stack Software Engineering,Artificial Intelligence and Robotics等多个专业方向。


The Bachelor of Computing (Computer Science) programme, BComp(CS), requires at least 160 MCs.

(1) University Level Requirements1 (24 MCs)

(2) Unrestricted Electives (28 MCs)

Students without A-level or H2 Mathematics are required to complete the bridging module MA1301/X as part of the Unrestricted Electives.

(3) Programme Requirements (108 MCs)

Computer Science Foundation

  • CS1101S Programming Methodology
  • CS1231S Discrete Structures
  • CS2030S Programming Methodology II
  • CS2040S Data Structures and Algorithms
  • CS2100 Computer Organisation
  • CS2103T Software Engineering2
  • CS2106 Introduction to Operating Systems
  • CS3230 Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Computer Science Breadth & Depth

Complete 28 MCs of CS/CP/IFS-coded modules by satisfying the following conditions:

  • Satisfy at least one CS Focus Area for BComp(CS) by completing 3 modules in the Area Primaries, with at least one module at level-4000 or above. Computer Science Foundation modules that appear in Area Primaries can be counted as one of the 3 modules towards satisfying a Focus Area.
  • At least 12 MCs are at level-4000 or above.
  • CP-coded modules must come from the following independent project modules:
  • CP3106 Independent Project (4 MCs)
  • CP3209 Undergraduate Research in Computing (8 MCs)
  • CP4101 BComp Dissertation (12 MCs)
  • CP4106 Computing Project (8 MCs)
  • Or other suitable modules approved by the Department of Computer Science;
  • At most 12 MCs of CP-coded independent project modules.

Complete at least 8 MCs of Computer Systems Team Project modules from the following pairs, or modules approved by the Department of Computer Science:

  • CS3203 Software Engineering Project, or
  • CS3216 Software Product Engineering for Digital Markets and CS3217 Software Engineering on Modern Application Platforms, or
  • CS3281 Thematic Systems Project I and CS3282 Thematic Systems Project II.

NRIC (Front and Back) / Passport

Secondary school examination result slip

High School examination transcript/result slip e.g. Year 11 High School transcript

National Level High School examination transcript / result slips [Actual] (if applicable)

Score report(s) for additional information (if you have indicated the scores in application) :

IELTS, TOEFL, C1 Advanced, AP, ACT with Writing, SAT and SAT Subject Tests)

International Science Olympiad award certificate (if applicable)

Notice of Exemption from full-time National Service (If applicable)

Medical report(s) or Doctor's memo

(applicable if you have indicated medical condition(s) or disabilities in your application)

Criminal records (if applicable) 

Personal statement


I. Reflection on Co-Curricular and/or Non-Academic Activities

Near the end of this process, you will be able to upload your Co-Curricular Activity (CCA) Records, and/or a documentation of your non-academic pursuits, if these are available. As part of your application to NUS College, we would now like you to write a little about your co-curricular and/or non-academic activities.

Mandatory: Please reflect on your CCA record and/or non-academic pursuits, in about 100 words or fewer. Rather than repeat the information that will be in the records you upload, use this opportunity to process and think more about them. If you do not have an official record of your non-academic pursuits, you may still reflect on these pursuits in this section. Here are some examples of questions you can address in this reflection:

What was the rationale or principle behind what you chose to be involved with? You can even tell us about what you chose not to do, and why.

Did you participate in a wide-ranging number of activities, or do your activities revolve around one or a few main interests and themes?

Were your involvement and interests steady and consistent, or did they change, evolve, and/or deepen over the years?

If you spent more time on some activities and interests than others, how did you make decisions about what you prioritized?

(Max 550 Characters)

II. Telling Us More: Who Are You? How Do You Relate to Others? How Do You Think?

Please respond to the following question in 100 words or fewer:

You presumably learnt your values from someone, or through some process or experience. Tell us about one value that came about in a way you did not expect.

(Max 550 Characters)

Please respond to the following question in 100 words or fewer:

How do "other people" function for you? What roles do others play for you and your sense of self? Do you look to others for affirmation, confirmation, differentiation, direction, recognition, validation, nothing at all, and/or something else?

(Max 550 Characters)

Additional Essay

As part of our admissions process, we would like to get to know you better through a series of 5 short response questions. This is not a writing test, so please do not write in flowery prose or use big words. Instead, please answer simply and honestly in Standard English, so that we can get a better feel of your interests and whether you will be suitable for the programme.

Each question has a character reply limit, so avoid verbose answers and write straight to the point.

1.    Tell us something you have done outside your school curriculum to prepare yourself for your chosen degree programme(s). For example, did you work in a relevant part-time job, or did you take an online course? 550 characters

2.    Tell us about a time when you failed to do something on your first try, but succeeded on subsequent attempts. How did you learn from your initial failure, change your approach, so that you eventually succeeded? 550 characters

3.    Tell us about something that is meaningful to you, and w hy. 550 characters

4.    What is your proudest achievement? How does it display your commitment and how you have been enterprising? Please also explain how it exemplifies some of the five NUS values of Innovation, Resilience, Excellence, Respect and Integrity. 550 characters

5.    Is there anything else about yourself which you want us to know? 550 characters


1.小C同学是在国内读Alevel国际班的,Alevel预估分A*A*AA,雅思7.0。并且在12年级的上学期补出了ACT 32分的成绩, 学生的学术成绩和英语都是非常好的,当初也是准备DIY申请,但是准备过程中对于PS这块不是很清楚要怎么写,并且听说申请提交之后还会有额外的补充文书要写,心里没底了,于是找到我们。NUS的数据科学和新加坡英国其他学校的数据科学专业申请是非常不一样的,所以要写好文书首先要弄清楚这个专业究竟要学什么。文书老师带着小C一起研究课程设置并找国外相关的论文去阅读研究,一方面更好地理解这个专业便于写PS,也为申请提交之后接下来要写地补充文书做准备。再结合我们之前的申请经验,花了将近三周的时间写好了PS,主文书和补充optional essays的5道题目。

2,Y同学是在新加坡读的高中,学的IB课程,预估分41分,最开始是通过网上咨询我们申请英国G5院校数学专业的,但是数学专业需要参加MAT或者STEP考试,由于Y在新加坡读书,时间来不及,所以不得不放弃,通过沟通之后,我们给Y推荐了是管理但是更多的却是理科元素的internet security专业。我们和Y头脑风暴之后开始写PS,经过几次修改润色完成定稿。提交了main essays and supplement essays。给大家分享一个题目: Tell us something you have done outside your school curriculum to prepare yourself for your chosen degree programme(s). For example, did you work in a relevant part-time job, or did you take an online course? 550 characters 2.    Tell us about a time when you failed to do something on your first try, but succeeded on subsequent attempts. How did you learn from your initial failure, change your approach, so that you eventually succeeded? 550 characters


2022年 Intake 更新:

3,东北沈阳某国际班OSSD方向,均分是86分, 选课包括数学,科学,环境科学,物理,经济。并没有提交ACT和SAT成绩,成绩非常优秀,同时申请了新加坡南洋理工大学,英国UCL,LSE, 香港前五全部申请了,另外申请了美国不需要SAT的加州学校UCB, UCLA,可见工作量是非常巨大的。香港前5中除了港大没有要求准备面试外,其余均要求面试。UCB 加州伯克利分校除了要递交8选4的加州大学文书,另外针对申请全球管理(global management program)的同学要求写一篇supplemental essay, 并且要附加一个video interview。UCB的GMP supplement essay question的题目是:How are your experiences and/or personal background preparing you to be a successful business leader? how will these experience or characteristics bring value or positive impact on a global scale? ( 350 words). 因为满足UCL的management science的基础入围条件的同学较多,所以补充文书就显得额外重要了。


1 November 2022 to 3 March 2023

2022 年12月1号 至 2023年3月3号




1,新加坡公立大学的本科申请系统可以报名8个专业进行填报,各位请特别重视填报顺序,尤其是第一专业,因为主文书和optional essays 中涉及到专业的部分都必须要与第一志愿的内在要求相吻合。其次是前四专业都很重要,剩下的四个专业就相对不会那么重要了,也应该录取不到。



Alevel: Alevel 达到三个A,对于还没毕业的申请人还需要提供SAT 1500以上 或者ACT 32分以上的成绩。

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