隆德大学(Lund)数学专业 开设在科学系下为期三年的本科课程。这是一个学术课程,专为对数学、数理统计和科学计算有浓厚兴趣的学生而设计。灵活性和个性化适应是关键词。该计划以高度灵活的方式构建,特别旨在为学生提供扎实的数学理论知识,同时为每个学生根据兴趣和职业抱负追求自己的教育形象。该计划提供各种各样的数学、统计学和数值分析课程,以及所有其他科学领域、经济和金融、工程以及人文和社会科学的课程。对于对纯数学有浓厚兴趣的学生,该计划提供了一条更高理论水平的课程路径,可以在硕士甚至博士阶段继续。
Analysis in One Variable
Computational Programming with Python
Foundations of Algebra
Linear Algebra 1
Analysis in Several Variables 1
Analysis in Several Variables 2
Bachelor's Degree Project in Mathematical Statistics
Bachelor's Degree Project in Mathematics
Bachelor's Degree Project, Numerical Analysis
Calculus of Variations
Design of Experiments
Discrete Mathematics
Image Analysis
Inference theory
Linear Algebra 2
Linear Analysis
Markov Processes
Mathematical Statistics: Basic Course
Numerical Analysis, Basic Course
Numerical Linear Algebra
Ordinary Differential Equations I
Probability Theory
Stationary Stochastic Processes
Advanced Course in Numerical Algorithms with Python/SciPy
Algebraic Structure
Algebraic Structures
Analytic Functions
Differential Geometry
Finite Volume Methods
Fourier Analysis
Integration Theory
Mathematical Modelling
Number Theory
Numerical Approximation
Numerical Methods for Differential Equations
Numerical Simulations ofFlow Problems
Ordinary Differential Equations 2
Partial Differential Equations
Scientific Computations for Students of Mathematics
Simulation Tools
Certificate of Graduation/Diploma(毕业证书)
Student Record/Transcript of Records with all upper secondary years and /or Examination Results/Graduation Results/Kaoshi/Huikao (会考成绩/学业水平考试/测试/会考)
Record of completed upper secondary (high school) education
University records(Optional)
English language (IELTS 总分6.5单项5.5)
1 February
数学学科作为一门精确的科学发挥着特殊的作用,毕业生运用他们的数学技能,例如预测、风险分析和交易; 金融服务,例如会计、银行和保险; 以及科学研究、信息技术和工业相关领域从事相关工作。