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院校: Lund University / 隆德大学 专业: Finance 授予学位: MSc 申请难度: 校友评分:

隆德大学(Lund)金融专业 MA Finance 开设在商学院为期一年的硕士课程。金融硕士课程提供金融经济学和公司金融方面的知识。重要的目标是让学生熟悉金融中使用的调查和研究技术的主要领域,并为您提供专攻您喜欢的金融领域所需的一般知识。该计划以研究为导向,并基于实际应用中学术严谨的原则。您将学习金融经济学和公司金融方面的先进理论和实证概念。我们使用案例研究来帮助您练习所学。该计划扩展了您对财务决策所有主要领域的知识。您将深入了解并接受有效识别、分析和解决复杂财务问题的培训。


Foundations of Finance:Beginning with a microeconomic foundation to finance, the course provides an in-depth analysis of portfolio choice and equilibrium pricing of financial assets.

Financial Econometrics and Machine Learning:The course covers statistical techniques that have immediate applications in finance. It is designed to equip students with relevant knowledge of methods for causal inference, time series analysis and machine learning. The focus is on the ability to apply the methods to finance problems.

Theory of Corporate Finance:The course provides an advanced, organised, comprehensive, and, in particular, applied coverage of corporate finance. Topics covered include capital, cash, and risk management, corporate governance and ownership, and corporate control and financial restructuring. Cases are used extensively to provide understanding of how to apply theory.

Empirical Finance:The course covers empirical models in finance. It begins with an overview of more advanced econometric techniques, such as maximum likelihood and GMM. The course then deals with applying econometric techniques to test financial models, such as tests of information efficiency, market microstructure models, event studies, asset pricing, and pricing of fixed income instruments.

Managerial Finance:The course provides students with knowledge about corporate valuation. The Discounted Cash Flow-model and its practical applications are covered in depth. The course also deals with the multiples-based approach for valuation (relative valuation). Building on these frameworks, the course then covers corporate decision-making based on valuation principles. The course emphasizes skills in Excel-modelling to support valuation. During the course, students complete a full valuation of a real-world company.

Financial Valuation and Risk Management:The course develops the students’ understanding of models for financial risk management and their ability to apply these models to real world problems. The course deals with topics such as the measurement and management of credit risk and Value-at-Risk, and the implications of the Basel regulations. The course also covers standard and complex derivative instruments in the markets and the application of these instruments for risk management.

Degree Project Finance:In the project paper, students should display their ability to apply, compile, and advance knowledge and skills acquired during the previous courses. Through the project students should demonstrate their ability to identify, analyse, and solve financial problems and to evaluate, present, and document their results.


Official transcripts and certificates

Proof of English Language Proficiency(IELTS 6.5)

Recommendation Letters



Motivation Letters


Application deadline

15 January 2021


这是一个旨在从事金融行业职业的学生的课程,包括投资组合管理、投资银行、交易、证券分析、资产配置。 金融市场领域的监管机构和政策制定者也需要金融技能。 该计划还为您攻读金融博士学位做好准备。

毕业生在瑞士信贷、Citco 集团、高盛、苏格兰皇家银行、摩根大通、法国巴黎银行、中国投资有限责任公司、标准普尔、马士基、普华永道、伊莱克斯、利乐、 欧莱雅和沃尔沃。

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