留学小程序 欧思留学 院校库 排名 热门项目 专业选校规划 访问留学小程序
舞蹈 英硕 英硕 香港硕士申请 中国高等教育学历认证 香港留学

法学是研究法、法的现象以及与法相关问题的专门学问,是关于法律问题的知识和理论体系。该专业要求学生具有扎实的专业理论基础和熟练的职业技能、合理的知识结构,能在国家机关、企事业单位和社会团体、特别是能在立法机关、行政机关、检察机关、审判机关、仲裁机构和法律服务机构从事法律工作的高级专门人才。香港的法律专业主要有三个类别Master of Laws (LLM)、Master of Common Law (MCL),Juris Doctor (JD),在适用人群和专业设置上都是不一样的。


我们常见的LLM - Master of Laws,一般为一年制的法学硕士课程,是提供给有法律专业背景的学生继续研修的课程。但是LLM毕业后无资格参加香港特有的PCLL考试,所以无法取得香港律师执照的,最多只能作为律师助理。不过对于想回内地就业的同学,则推荐选择这个LLM项目,因为在内地成为律师的前提都是要参与司法考试,对JD学位无任何优惠政策,PCLL在内地也无法使用,而LLM项目的时间及资金成本更低,性价比更高。


MCL - Master of Common Law 主要是提供给非普通法管辖区(特别是中国内地)的法律本科/硕士学生,去了解和学习普通法的课程。如果计划日后从事跨国企业法务、处理境外法合同的同学,可以考虑该类专业


JD - Juris Doctor,这个就是非法本毕业学生的福音了,虽然名字里面有Doctor,但其实JD也属于硕士学位。是专门为没有法律背景的学生提供全面深入的法律教育的课程,以coursework为主,基本没有research成分,学制通常是2-3年。所以别人在大学四年加硕士一年中要学的东西,就需要在这2到3年中从头学一遍,因此读JD的压力还是挺大的。





I.Master of Laws in Arbitration and Dispute ResolutionMaster of Laws 仲裁与争议解决法学硕士


香港是世界领先的国际争议解决场所,地处东西方交汇点,是解决大中华地区和亚洲地区争议的理想场所。香港大学法学院是一所世界一流的学院,在泰晤士高等教育排名中位列全球前 21 所法学院之列,拥有全球合作伙伴网络,在国际争议解决方面享有盛誉。法学硕士成立于 2007 年。仲裁和争议解决学位已被国际公认为争议解决教学和研究的领先提供者。毕业生获得 HKMAAL、CIARb 和 HKIA 的认证。领先的仲裁思想家、从业者、专家和校友全年为一系列充满活力的教学和研讨会做出贡献。我们欢迎您了解我们的全日制和非全日制课程,并加入我们多元化的学生团体,其中包括来自商业和金融界的领先从业人员、建筑和工程领域的专家、调解和仲裁从业人员、政府官员、立法者、法官和专门从事争端解决的国际组织的成员



Compulsory courses

Arbitration law

Arbitration practice, procedure and drafting


Capstone course

Alternative dispute resolution


Arbitration award writing

China investment law

China trade law

Collaborative law and practice

Comparative arbitration in Asia

Consensus building and facilitation as dispute processes

Construction of commercial contracts

Corporate conflicts

Corporate governance and shareholder remedies

Culture, diversity and power in dispute resolution

Dispute resolution systems design

Family mediation

Insurance law

International and comparative intellectual property law

International arbitration: practice, process and strategy

International commercial arbitration

International dispute settlement


(i) hold the degree of Bachelor of Laws with at least second class honours of this University, or a qualification of equivalent standard from this University or another comparable institution accepted for this purpose; or

(ii) hold the degree in a discipline other than law with at least second class honours of this University, or a qualification of equivalent standard from this University or another comparable institution accepted for this purpose; and have at least two years of relevant experience and/or professional qualifications;



February 28

II. Master of Laws in Chinese Law 中国法学硕士





Capstone course

Law and economics of Chinese capitalism


Administrative law and governance in China

Advanced seminar on Chinese law

Asian communications law and policy

China information technology and electronic commerce law

China investment law

China trade law

Chinese judicial reform in comparative perspective

Civil and commercial law in the People's Republic of China

Company law and securities regulation in the People's Republic of China

Comparative constitutional law

Comparative constitutional law theories

Comparative constitutional review: theory and practice

Comparative contract law

Comparative corporate law and theories

Comparative property law

Competition law and policy in China

Corporate governance and shareholder remedies

Corruption: China in comparative perspective

Cross border corporate insolvency: issues and solutions

Cross-border legal relations between the Mainland and Hong Kong (in Putonghua)

Current issues in Chinese law


(i) hold the degree of Bachelor of Laws with at least second class honours of this University, or a qualification of equivalent standard from this University or another comparable institution accepted for this purpose; or

(ii) hold the degree in a discipline other than law with at least second class honours of this University, or a qualification of equivalent standard from this University or another comparable institution accepted for this purpose; and have at least two years of relevant experience and/or professional qualifications;



February 28

III. Master of Laws in Compliance and Regulation 合规与监管法学硕士





Compulsory courses

Compliance: law in practice

Compliance: regulation in practice

Capstone courses

(Students must choose at least one 9-credit course from the list below.)

Compliance in the Hong Kong securities industry

Current issues in financial law

9-credit Dissertation

18-credit Dissertation

Core compliance and regulation courses

(Students must choose at least two 9-credit courses from the list below.)

Business and human rights

Company law and securities regulation in the People’s Republic of China

Derivatives: law and regulation

Financial crimes – governance, risk and compliance

Financial dispute resolution: Hong Kong and international perspectives

Insurance law

International securities law

Privacy and data protection

Specialized topics courses

(Students must choose at least one 9-credit course from the list below.)

Advanced topics in competition law


Carriage of goods by sea

China investment law

China trade law

Civil and commercial law in the People’s Republic of China

Communications law

Compartive company law


(1) hold a degree of Bachelor of Laws with at least second class honours or an equivalent qualification accepted by the University for this purpose; or

(2) hold a degree in a discipline other than law with at least second class honours accepted by the University for this purpose and have at least two years relevant experience and professional qualifications 申请人法律专业本科学位或者非法律专业本科并具有至少两年的相关经验或专业资格。双非院校均分85+,985/211院校均分80+,雅思总分7.0单项6.5或者托福97.


February 28

IV. Master of Laws in Corporate and Financial Law 公司法和金融法法学硕士


LLM(CFL) 课程结合了公司法和金融法方面的学术专长,为研究复杂商业环境中遇到的法律和相关问题提供了全面的资源。 香港是世界领先的金融中心之一; 其充满活力的经济、受人尊敬的司法制度和世界一流的金融监管制度共同提供了只有最受推崇的司法管辖区才能与之匹敌的杰出研究背景。



Compulsory courses

Law of international finance 1

(Candidates must take at least one 9-credit course from the list below.)

Company law and securities regulation in the People’s Republic of China

Comparative corporate law and theories

Corporate conflicts

Corporate governance and shareholders remedies

Regulation of financial markets

Capstone courses

(Candidates must choose at least one course from the list below.)

Current issues in financial law

9-credit Dissertation

18-credit Dissertation (18 credits)

International securities law

Law of state immunity and sovereign debt

Mergers and acquisitions


Banking law

Business and human rights

Carriage of goods by sea

China investment law

China trade law

Communications law

Comparative company law

Comparative contract law

Competition law and policy in China

Competition law I


(i) hold the degree of Bachelor of Laws with at least second class honours of this University, or a qualification of equivalent standard from this University or another comparable institution accepted for this purpose; or

(ii) hold the degree in a discipline other than law with at least second class honours of this University, or a qualification of equivalent standard from this University or another comparable institution accepted for this purpose; and have at least two years of relevant experience and/or professional qualifications;



February 28

V. Master of Laws in Human Rights 人权法学硕士


法学硕士(人力资源)计划于 1999 年成立,以响应亚太地区对人权知识日益增长的需求。该计划侧重于包括亚太地区在内的全球关注的人权问题,旨在营造积极的学习环境。多样化的课程使学生能够 (1) 了解国际人权法律框架,(2) 从全球、区域和国内的角度思考主要的人权挑战,以及 (3) 运用他们的知识来倡导真正的变革。课程涵盖人权法,但借鉴历史、政治、哲学和社会学等其他学科,以确保在上下文中理解法律。它还有一个临床选项,因此学生可以将他们学到的知识应用到实践中。我们吸引了来自广泛背景的学生,包括律师、法官、为国家人权机构和民间社会组织工作的倡导者、记者、医生、学者、政府官员等。这种多样性丰富了学习经验,并促成了一个充满活力的国际校友网络。



Compulsory courses

Human rights: history, theory and politics

International and regional protection of human rights

National protection of human rights

Capstone courses

(Candidates must choose at least one course from the list below.)

9-credit Dissertation*

18-credit Dissertation (18 credits)*

Human rights in practice


Administrative law and governance in China

Advanced legal theory

Armed conflict, humanitarian law and human rights

Arms control and disarmament law

Business and human rights

Climate and energy justice in practice

Comparative constitutional law

Clinical legal education programme - refugee stream

Comparative law of elections

Constitutionalism in emerging states

Current issues in human rights

Dealing with legacies of human rights violations

Economic, social and cultural rights

Equality and non-discrimination

Ethnicity, human rights and democracy


(i) hold the degree of Bachelor of Laws with at least second class honours of this University, or a qualification of equivalent standard from this University or another comparable institution accepted for this purpose; or

(ii) hold the degree in a discipline other than law with at least second class honours of this University, or a qualification of equivalent standard from this University or another comparable institution accepted for this purpose; and have at least two years of relevant experience and/or professional qualifications;



February 28

VI. Master of Laws in Medical Ethics and Law 医学伦理与法律法学硕士


医学伦理和法律法学硕士 [LLM(MEL)] 计划的课程被设计为一门综合的跨学科课程,旨在解决卫生专业、法律和商业中日益重要的问题。 该计划旨在让学生了解健康伦理和法律领域的各个方面,例如医疗疏忽和生物伦理学。 该课程为律师、社会科学家、政策制定者和医疗保健专业人员提供了影响医疗保健提供的基本伦理、法律和社会问题的指南。该计划对拥有法律或医学学位的候选人开放。 持有法律或医学以外学科学位并具有至少两年相关经验或专业资格的合适候选人也将被考虑。



Foundational Course

Introduction to medical law

Compulsory Courses

Bioethics foundations

The beginning and end of life

The physician-patient relationship

The regulation of biomedical research

Capstone Courses

(Students must choose one of the following courses.)

9-credit Dissertation

Practicum project

Designated Law Elective(Offered by Department of Law)

Introduction to medical practice

Law Elective Courses (Offered by Department of Law)

(Students must choose at least one course from the list below.)

Comparative family law

Digitalisation: Health, law and policy

Global information technology law and practice

Hong Kong intellectual property law

Intellectual property and information technology


(i) hold the degree of Bachelor of Laws with at least second class honours of this University, or a qualification of equivalent standard from this University or another comparable institution accepted for this purpose; or

(ii) hold the degrees of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery from this University, or a qualification of equivalent standard from this University or another comparable institution accepted for this purpose; or

(iii) hold the degree in a discipline other than law or medicine with at least second class honours of this University, or a qualification of equivalent standard from this University or another comparable institution accepted for this purpose; and have at least two years of relevant experience or professional qualifications 申请人法律专业或者医学,外科学本科学位或者非法律专业本科并具有至少两年的相关经验或专业资格。双非院校均分85+,985/211院校均分80+,雅思总分7.0单项6.5或者托福97.


February 28

VII. Master of Laws in Technology and Intellectual Property Law 技术与知识产权法学硕士


LLM(T&IPL) 项目的主要目标是提供一系列课程,让他们对快速发展的技术法、知识产权法以及两者之间的交叉领域的各个方面有良好的法律理解。 这包括人工智能的法律影响、大数据、数据挖掘、互联网平台监管、3D 打印、外太空技术、纳米技术、金融科技、计算机程序和算法的保护、数字混音和用户生成的内容 、在线流媒体、绿色技术和生物技术(包括基因改造和干细胞研究)。



Capstone courses

(Candidates must choose at least one course from the list below.)

International and Comparative Intellectual Property Law

Law and the internet

Core courses

(Candidates must choose at least two courses from the list below.)

China information technology and electronic commerce law

Copyright and Creativity

Intellectual property and information technology

Privacy and data protection

Foundational law courses

(Candidates who do not hold an undergraduate degree in law shall be required to take

both or either one of the courses below.)


Legal system and methods

Advanced intellectual property law

Bioethics foundations

Communications law

Competition Law II

18-credit Dissertation (18 credits)

9-credit Dissertation

Digitalisation: health, law and policy


(i) hold the degree of Bachelor of Laws with at least second class honours of this University, or a qualification of equivalent standard from this University or another comparable institution accepted for this purpose; or

(b)(ii) hold the degree in a discipline other than law with at least second class honours of this University, or a qualification of equivalent standard from this University or another comparable institution accepted for this purpose; and have at least two years of relevant experience and/or professional qualifications



February 28


香港中文法律学部(School of Law)于2005年9月已初步成立,于2006年始开办法学本科及研究生课程,是香港第三所大学法学院。香港中文大学法学院与国际社会的专业组织和学习中心有着密切的关系。 它将普通法和中国法律体系与其他法律传统相结合,以促进正义和维护法治。 其创新的学术课程是在著名学者和法律界资深人士的建议下设计的。 鼓励学生深入了解法律实践和理论。 该学院还与其他学院一起开设双学位课程。 中大法律学位的持有者将运用他们的知识和律师技能,并坚持最高的道德价值观,成为未来的领导者。

I.Master of Laws in Chinese Business Law 中国商法法学硕士


中国商法法学硕士项目为学生提供结构化的课程,以在不断变化的政治、经济和社会环境的背景下研究中国民法和商法的原则、过程、制度和方法。 它旨在让学生在与中国开展业务的法律方面形成广阔的知识视野。



Required Courses:

Chinese Civil Law

Chinese Company Law

Chinese Contract Law

Legal System and Methods in China

Elective Courses:

Chinese Accounting and Law

Chinese Banking Law

Chinese Civil Procedure Law

Chinese Commercial Law

Chinese Constitutional and Administrative Law

Chinese Economy and Law

Chinese Employment Law

Chinese Environmental Law

Chinese Finance and Law

Chinese Financial Law

Chinese Foreign Trade and Investment Law

Chinese Intellectual Property Law


a qualification to practise law in the jurisdiction of the student’s residence; or

a Bachelor of Laws (LLB) degree or a degree of equivalent standing; or

a Bachelor’s degree in a non-law subject with substantial law-related working experience.



1st round: 28 January

2nd round: 25 February

3rd round: 8 April

II. Master of Laws in Common Law 普通法法学硕士


普通法是一个充满活力和令人兴奋的法律体系,它将世界各地数以百万计的人团结在一起,这些人来自香港、新加坡、英国、澳大利亚、新西兰、加拿大、印度和美国等不同文化。 本课程将为学生提供一些核心普通法科目的香港法律实质性知识,并进一步培养更广泛地接触普通法传统所需的技能。 通过选修课,学生有机会加深对普通法的了解,或通过学习新学科来补充普通法。



Required Courses:

Common Law: Origins and Development

Principles of Contract

Principles of Criminal Law

Principles of Tort

Elective Courses:

Common Law: Globalization and Convergence

Comparative Constitutional Law

Comparative Legal Traditions

Colonial Governance and the Rule of Law

Copyright, Digital Subject Matter and Information Technology

Crime and the Sanctioning Process

Cyberlaw and Intellectual Property: Principles and Practice

Global Issues in Law

History, Culture, and the Law

Issues in Contract

Issues in Criminal Law

Issues in Tort

Principles of Art, Antiquities, Cultural Heritage and the Law


a qualification to practise law in the jurisdiction of the student’s residence; or

a Bachelor of Laws (LLB) degree or a degree of equivalent standing (normally in a non common law jurisdiction); or

a Bachelor’s degree in a non-law subject with substantial law-related working experience.



1st round: 28 January

2nd round: 25 February

3rd round: 8 April

III.Master of Laws in Energy and Environmental Law 能源与环境法硕士

能源与环境法法学硕士旨在让学生深入了解管理能源安全和环境保护关键挑战的法律方面。 学生接受能源投资和贸易、项目融资和基础设施开发、清洁能源和减缓气候变化等领域的实践培训,重点关注亚太地区特定的能源和可持续性挑战。 这些课程以中大在能源与环境法以及投资与贸易法方面的专业知识为基础,并受益于能源与环境法领域领先的国际从业者的参与。



Required Courses

International and Comparative Energy Law

International Environmental Law

Principles of Environmental Law

Project Finance and Infrastructure Law

Elective Courses

Chinese Energy Law

Chinese Environmental Law

Clean Energy and Climate Law

Disaster Law

Dispute Resolution in the Energy and Natural Resources Sector

Financial Markets: Law and Operation

Oil and Gas Law


a qualification to practise law in the jurisdiction of the student’s residence; or

a Bachelor of Laws (LLB) degree or a degree of equivalent standing (normally in a non common law jurisdiction); or

a Bachelor’s degree in a non-law subject with substantial law-related working experience.



1st round: 28 January

2nd round: 25 February

3rd round: 8 April

IV.Master of Laws in International Economic Law 国际经济法法学硕士


国际经济法法学硕士课程旨在为学生提供有关跨境商业交易的法律和实践的强化课程。 学生接受国际销售和金融、并购(并购)、WTO 法和国际银行法等关键领域的实践培训。 技能培训模块确保国际经济法法学硕士课程的毕业生能够在相关学科领域开展实际工作和独立研究。



Required Courses:

Law of International Business Transactions I

Law of International Business Transactions II

Trans-national Legal Problems

World Trade Law

Elective Courses:

Business and the Law in Hong Kong

Comparative Company Law

Comparative Contract Law

Comparative Corporate Governance

Conflicts in International Commercial Litigation

European Union Law

Global Issues in Law

International and Comparative Energy Law

International and Comparative Intellectual Property Law

International Commercial Arbitration

International Economic Development and the Law

International Economic Law and the Legal Profession

International Economic Law Skills

International Economics

International Environmental Law


a qualification to practise law in the jurisdiction of the student’s residence; or

a Bachelor of Laws (LLB) degree or a degree of equivalent standing (normally in a non common law jurisdiction); or

a Bachelor’s degree in a non-law subject with substantial law-related working experience.



1st round: 28 January

2nd round: 25 February

3rd round: 8 April

V.Master of Laws in Legal History 法律史法学硕士


2022-23 学年,CUHK LAW 将开设全新的 LLM in Legal History 课程。 该法学硕士——全球仅有的此类项目之一——旨在让学生掌握跨国法律史研究的实质和方法方面的专业知识。 法律史法学硕士是一个精英项目,只招收少数高素质的学生。 与传统的授课型研究生课程不同,法律史法学硕士课程采用混合结构,结合了课堂学习和研究元素。 除了他们的课程,学生还将在一名教师的监督下完成一个实质性的研究项目,占他们学分的一半。 通过参与该计划,学生将获得大量的研究、写作和演讲技巧,为成功的学术、政策和实践事业铺平道路。



Required Courses:

Common Law: Origins and Development*

Legal History Thesis

Elective Courses:

Colonial Governance and the Rule of Law

Comparative Legal Traditions

History, Culture, and the Law

Law and History

Principles of Art, Antiquities, Cultural Heritage and the Law

Transnational Law After Empire


a qualification to practise law in the jurisdiction of the student’s residence; or

a Bachelor of Laws (LLB) degree or a degree of equivalent standing; or

a Bachelor’s degree in a non-law subject with substantial law-related working experience; or

a Bachelor’s degree or Master’s degree in a related field such as history, sociology, political science or anthropology.



1st round: 28 January

2nd round: 25 February

3rd round: 8 April


香港城市大学(City University of Hong Kong),简称城大(CityU),是一所坐落于中国香港九龙塘的公立研究型大学,是香港特别行政区政府资助的八所高等教育院校之一,获教育部列入国家重点高校名单,为中俄工科大学联盟成员高校。香港城市大学法律学院成立于1987年,是香港第二所大学法学院。于2004年开设法律博士课程(JD),是香港第一个开设JD课程的法学院。

I.Master of Laws in Arbitration and Dispute Resolution 法學碩士(仲裁及爭議解決學)

该计划旨在培养香港和亚太地区的国内和国际仲裁和替代性争议解决(ADR)方面的专业知识;并促进仲裁和 ADR 的原创性研究。它旨在:向在广泛的专业、工业和商业活动中具有现有专业知识的专业人士、高管和其他人提供仲裁和其他解决争议方法的法律和一般知识,以及与该过程相关的实用技能.



Legal Concepts;

Commercial Contracts;

Procedure and Proof;

Dispute Resolution in Theory and Practice;

Mediation Practice;

Arbitration Law;

Arbitration Practice and Award Writing; and

International Arbitration.


To be eligible for consideration for admission, an applicant must satisfy the General Entrance Requirements and have:

a university degree from a recognized university or equivalent qualifications (e.g. AHKIArb)

获得认可大学的大学学位或同等学历,双非院校均分85+,985/211院校均分80+,优先考虑有相关实践经验的申请人;语言要求雅思6.5及以上或者托福97,或者大学英语六级(CET-6) 520分及以上。


April 30

详细个性化咨询微信私人号: 13382004272,长期咨询留学考试辅导和留学申请指导(美加英澳港和留学文书撰写); 欧思留学,专注于细分专业留学申请,对于细分行业的职业规划和留学申请有深刻的认识和长期研究的兴趣。

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