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想成为作家的您,应该申请哪个专业?英语国家最全的创意写作(Creative Writing)专业硕士汇总

“创意写作”(Creative Writing)是指以写作为样式、以作品为最终成果的一切创作性活动。作为一个历史概念,它最初仅仅是指文学写作,后来泛指文学写作和一切面向现代文化创意产业以及适应文学民主化、文化多元化、传媒技术的更新换代等多种形式的写作。 


那么在全球范围内,有哪些大学都开设了创意写作(Creative Writing)这个专业呢?他们的录取条件如何呢? 欧思留学做了一次史上最全的关于创意写作方面的整理,方便大家去理解这个专业的申请,选择出最适合自己的专业,实现自己的作家,编剧,导演,艺术家的梦想!





Programme Entrance Requirements

1. A good Bachelor's degree from arecognised university, or equivalent qualifications, and a sample of CreativeWriting in English.

2. Applicants majoring in the followingfields are encouraged, while all fields are welcomed: literature, language andcommunication studies; journalism; drama; media and cultural studies; music;fine arts; and law.

3. Applicants are required to submit asample of original Creative Writing in English for evaluation. Thecreative sample may include, for example, a short story, a chapter from anovel, a selection of poems, scenes from a play, or excerpts from a memoir oranother type of creative nonfiction. The sample is expected to have 12-15pages, printed on one side of A4 paper. Finalists will be asked to interviewas part of the selection process.


Application Deadlines

Full Time: Round 1

12:00 noon (GMT+8)

December 30, 2020

Full Time: Round 2

12:00 noon (GMT+8)

March 30, 2021


In addition to satisfying the requirementsfor admission to the curriculum concerned, an applicant who is seekingadmission on the basis of a qualification from a university or comparableinstitution outside Hong Kong of which the language of teaching and/orexamination is not English is required to obtain one of the followingexamination result.


A. TOEFL (Test of English as a ForeignLanguage)

1. a score of 550 or above in the paper-based TOEFL; or

2. a score of 213 or above in the computer-based TOEFL; or

3. a score of 80 or above in the internet-based TOEFL; or

B. IELTS (International English LanguageTesting System)

A minimum overall band of 6 with no subtest lower than 5.5; or



Creative Writing (MA)


How to apply

For entryrequirements, selection criteria and how to apply, please visit the Oxford University Graduate Admissionswebsite.

The Universityrequires online applications. Paper applications are only acceptable inexceptional cases where it is not possible for you to apply online.A paper application form can be requested from the Graduate AdmissionsOffice.

You will need tosubmit the application form and all supporting materials:

  • Three references
  •   Note: If you anticipate having difficulty providing three referees who  have an informed view of your academic ability and suitability for this  Programme of Study, please contact the Programme Administrator for advice.
  • Transcripts of previous higher education results.
  • Current CV/resume
  • A statement (see application form) of your reasons for applying to the course. This  should include what you feel the course would offer you and your writing,  and what you feel you could bring to the course.
  • A portfolio of creative writing for assessment. This can be in any of the three genres, or in more than one, and should consist of approximately 2000 words of prose (fiction, or narrative non-fiction) or 10 short poems or fifteen minutes equivalent of drama.

Please note thatsupporting materials cannot be returned. Please also note that nocorrespondence can be entered into, should your application be unsuccessful.

EnglishLanguage ability

Prospectivestudents whose first language is not English should note that English languagecertification at the higher level is required, and any offer of a place will beconditional on the receipt of an original certificate (see the ‘Notes ofGuidance’).


Minimum overall score

Minimum score per component

IELTS Academic (Institution code: 0713) 



Minimum scores required to meet the University's higher level requirement

TOEFL iBT, including the 'Home Edition'

(Institution code: 0490)


Listening: 22

 Reading: 24

 Speaking: 25

 Writing: 24

爱丁堡大学:MSc Creative Writing的课程介绍。学位是一年制授课型硕士,分小说和诗歌两个方向,在教写作的基础上也有诸多文学课可供选择。至于申请标准,除了需要提交自己以往的文学作品以外,基本和常规学科相同:





卡迪夫大学:学制:1年,四家的创意写作。但还是因为对Creative WritingGPA:3.0/4.0,入学时间:September 2020


语言要求:雅思7.0,小分不低于6.5(如果总分只有6.5且小分6.0则可以参加10周语言班),托福100(小分不低于20),或PTE 70(小分54)


03: 美国的创意写作专业汇总:



the University of Iowa的Writers' Workshop



The University of Iowa, Writer's Workshop.



Columbia University, MFA


Brown University, MFA


Boston University, MFA

占据波士顿城区要道的波士顿大学在文化重镇的加持下,发展了非常全面有实力的文科。商科,传媒,文学都是数得上数的。如果还不够,当代文学著名的作家哈金就在波士顿任教。心动了吗?Me留学不少金牌编辑就来自BU MFA专业。

John Hopkins University, MFA

作为一所排名非常可观的综合性大学,约翰霍普金斯比较知名的其实是理科商科专业。但他们的创意写作项目资源非常集中,每周都有作家带着佳作访问学校。学校的The Hopkins Review也是一个不错的文学资源。

Northwestern University,MFA


Emory University,MFA


New York University


除了以上的综合类大学,还有一些其他小众的文理学院以优秀的创意写作项目著称。比如,波士顿的Emerson College;景色优美的Colorado College(学校独特的block plan让你每三周半集中精力只上一门课),Hamilton College,Oberlin College,还有Kenyon College。都有不错的项目可供选择。


创意写作主要开设在English Department或College of Arts andLetters学院下面,也有学校是开设在Master of Fine Arts(MFA)下面,具体需要根据大学以及项目课程查看,研究生阶段的concentrations通常如下:

• Fiction(小说)

• Nonfiction(非小说类文学作品)

• Poetry(诗歌)

• Writing for Children and Young Adults(儿童、青少年写作)




当然,也有大学在GPA低于3.5分的情况下,要求学生递交GRE成绩,GPA3.0的学生,GRE Verbal不低于157分,比如:加州州立大学北岭分校。

Creative Writing专业就读根据大学不同,项目时长分为1年、或2年。波士顿大学授予MFA硕士学位,通过1年(2个或3个学期)完成在Fiction或Poetry方向的学习。波士顿大学主要通过workshops and literature courses的方式学习CreativeWriting,8-10个人的小班授课。

2016年,波士顿大学共收到申请700份,最终录取18人。其中,500人申请了Fiction,录取10人;200人申请了poetry, 录取8人。波士顿大学对于申请人雅思分数的最低要求是7分;托福的Reading section – 21、Listening section – 18、Speaking section – 23、Writing section – 22均是最低要求。

Creative Writing专业在申请时,PS/SOP、Writing Sample、Writing Portfolio尤为重要。


1. A writing sample (for poetry, submit 10 poems; for fiction, submit nomore than 40 double-spaced pages, stories are preferred)

2. A personal statement, roughly 2-4 pages in length

纽约州立大学宾汉姆顿分校要求:All applicants should submit a sample of their criticalwriting (10-20 pages), Those wishing to enter the MA program with aspecialization in creative writing should so indicate on the front page of theapplication and should submit together with a sample of their critical writinga portfolio of their creative work (not more than 50 pages of fiction or 25pages of verse).

位于曼哈顿第五大道的New School对于WRITING PORTFOLIO要求:Applicants to the graduate Creative Writing Program are required tosubmit examples of their writing to demonstrate that they have the skills and asufficient body of quality work to advance to graduate-level study.

• Poetry: Submit 10 pages of poetry.

• Fiction or Nonfiction: Submit up to 20 pages of prose.

• Writing for Children and Young Adults: Submit up to 20 pages of prose ora draft of a book for children or young adults.

Portfolio manuscripts must be typewritten (or printed letter quality) anddouble-spaced. Your name must appear on the top of each page.















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