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产品设计 (研究生)
Product Design - MA

Academic entry qualification overview

Normally a UK 2:1 honours degree, or its international equivalent, in a subject relevant to designing products with an emphasis on people, such as: product design, 3d design interior design and/or architecture.You must submit a portfolio as part of your application. Your portfolio should demonstrate evidence of:

• excellent ability to think critically through drawing and making

• strong ability to critically analyse current situations involving the interactions between people and products

• strong ability to communicate preferred design-led future situations through the development and resolution of drawings, models, prototypes, and mock-ups in various physical and material media formats

• strong understanding of contemporary design challenges and themes relevant to designed products and the people for whom they are designed

• ability to engage people centred research activities relevant to product design

• a high level of individuality, originality and creativity

Your portfolio should also include a personal video, no more than 3 minutes long, in which you give insights into three artefacts. After introducing yourself to the camera you should describe:

• the qualities of an old artefact and why it interests you

• a contemporary artefact and why you consider it relevant

• an artefact from your portfolio (from the future) and why it embodies your interests

We would like to see these artefacts in your hands and will listen carefully to how you express ideas about each artefact.If you do not meet the academic entry requirements, we may still consider your application on the basis of your portfolio and/or relevant professional experience.

English language requirements

IELTS: total 6.5 (at least 6.0 in each module)



英国2:1荣誉学位或其国际同等学历在与产品设计,3D设计室内设计和/或建筑设计相关的主题设计相关的主题。(相当于我国985、211大学本科平均分成绩至少在80分以上、非985、211大学需要85分以上)。您必须提交作品集作为您的申请一部分。 您的作品集应该:

• 优秀的绘画和制作能力
• 有能力批判性地分析当前涉及人与产品之间相互作用的情况
• 通过开发和解决各种物理和物质媒体格式的图纸,模型,原型和模型,具有较强的沟通设计主导未来情境的能力
• 对当代设计挑战和与设计产品及其设计人员相关的主题的深刻理解
• 以人为本的能力以产品设计相关的研究活动为中心
• 高度的个性,独创性和创造性

• 旧的人造物质的质量以及它为什么对你感兴趣
• 当代艺术品,为什么你认为它是相关的
• 来自您的作品集(来自未来)的人工制品,以及为什么它体现了您的兴趣




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